Tuesday, November 22, 2005

A colorful palate of competition

First the Orange, now
The Cardinal. When do we play
the brawling Fuschia?

Stanford Cardinal;
Syracuse Orange... stupid
names - What's up with that?

Stanford's best win: beat
Cal in "Band on the Field" game.
Best loss? Willingham.

Stanford's only chance?
Charlie eats too much turkey,
Can't move from table.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Yo ND Raps!!

Swanny wrote “Booty”.
‘Canes in hot water for rap.
Watch Yo ND raps!!


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Syracuse... not good at football, and their mascot is a fruit -- not that there's anything wrong with that

Only important
tidbit about Syracuse:
It's fucking cold there.

Hate South Bend winters?
Tis nothing. Winds in 'Cuse cause worse
Brain freeze than slurpees.

Cuse boys will come to
South Bend wearing speedos and
SPF 15.

They were "Orangemen,"
Now "Orange." More PC - just
Offend Crayola.

Honestly, though. Who
Gets fired up to go win
One for the Orange...

Friday, November 11, 2005

Musings on a Service Academy Weekend... from the Steamer

Is hard to make fun
Of Naval Academy
Crush them anyway

Joyce North parking lot
Will be rocking and rolling
Putt and Steamer style

I loves the Seamen

Playing with my submarine
In the tub at night

Last time Navy won
Kennedy was President
Bopping Miss Monroe

Tell the liquor stores

To stock up on gin this week
Steamer arrives soon

- All courtesy of the Cleveland Steamer

Beat Seamen

Why can’t breakfast joints
serve beer?? It seems logical
to me. Beat Seamen!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Seamen .... get it? Seamen...

Playing Midshipmen
Is like kissing your sister.
Don't ask how I know....

Confucious says: is
Nice have Navy rivalry
But watch the cut blocks.

Hope for Navy: they're
Five foot nuthin', hundred and
Nuthin' ... Rudy-esque?

Thanks for the service
To our country ... and losing
Forty-one straight games.

ND has Navy
Ties... I hear that our coaching
Staff is a SEAL team.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Volunteer? Isn't
That a Cub Scout level? Right
Before Webelos.

Volunteer? For what?
To go from powerhouse to
Outhouse in a year?

Volunteers: Like Peace
Corps staff, but without the sense
Of doing good things.

Volunteer: I guess
Mascot with rifle can call
Himself what he wants.

Volunteer: to come
Forward, enlist, sign up, take
It in the keister.

Bright Orange is a
Great color. Looks like traffic
Cones at accident.

Jason Whitlock is
Someone who should Volunteer
For a brain transplant.

Jason Whitlock: more
Useless than Willingham? Well,
Won't go quite that far.

FabulASS Kickin'

Volunteers? More like
Volunteering to get ass
kicking from Irish.

pUmpkin paTch

Lulu & Junior –
Tennessee’s biggest fans. They
resemble pumpkins…


Fresh Droppings From The Cleveland Steamer

Longing to be home
The Vols watch Deliverance
Squeal like a piggy

The Tennessee Vols

Are about to encounter
The Irish Orange Crush

Hate the color orange
Being Irish Catholic
Makes my green blood boil

Haiku ND fans
Know how to party and drink
Poets at their best


Whitlock's delusions:
Hurts the cause of equality
Like Hoyte on Clausen.

Pick up some doughnuts;
Demote coach; find an offense:
Fullmer's to-do list.

Contract extension?
Win, and you'll get more than that -
If you catch my drift.*

* All the 'nany one would want at the Linebacker.