Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Here Come The Irish

Kickoff is still three days away, but Haiku season has arrived! The first submission of the year comes from Victor:

You sissy Panthers
Your song should be "Hail to Putt"
I hate mustaches
GameDay and Jackson
In Pittsburgh only because
you play Notre Dame

It was quickly followed by three from me:

Days shorter; nights crisp
Beaches give way to bleachers
Football time again.

Despite Jackson’s venom
And Panthers’ new leadership
Notre Dame will roll.

Putting right what once
Went wrong, Weis is some kind of
Football Sam Beckett.

Not to be outdone, Lenny, still showing signs of intense self loathing, submitted the following:

It is with great joy
From 2 thousand miles away
I'm able to talk trash

According to Myles
That Fighting Irish sh8t is
very un-PC

Just goes to show you Denny still sucks, and even living in Vegas has not made him any cooler.